Jasper National Park


I embarked on the last part of my trip to see beautiful mountain vistas. I intrepidly took the Greyhound bus overnight and arrived in Jasper at 7am, having had no sleep I made my way to the hostel and had a power nap for an hour.

Then me and a Dutch guy I met on the bus went into town and decided to rent a tandem bike as the most cost effective way to get around. Everything is very spaced out in Jasper.


The man at the bike shop told us no one had ever cycled to the five lakes hike but good luck to us.

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The lakes all have a different hue of green and blue because they are all different depths. The cloudy day meant that my camera couldn’t capture the colour very well so I may have cheated with a filter…


Then we biked back to town and got a beer at the brewery, if anything this improved my bike riding. Me and Hida then set off towards the hostel which is way out of town up a steep hill 😐

the next day we met up with two New Zealand girls and hiked up the Whistler summit, undeterred by the cougar warning in the area.



The hike should usually take around 4 hours. I led the way and did it in 1 hour 40 minutes, beating my friends record of 2 hours. The other guys weren’t such enthusiastic hikers as me…but they were still talking to me by the time we got to the top.

We saw a man pass us on the way up and disappear, he was a machine. Cougars be damned.



It was worth it, I played with some friendly chipmunks.


Then we sneaked onto the Gondola to ride down and ran back to the hostel to pick up the tandem and return it by 1pm. We rode down the hill at high speed and told the man at the bike shop about our tandem adventures- “you guys are awesome!” Then rewarded ourselves with frozen yoghurt 🙂

I hired some sweet wheels.


We went to explore the surrounding parks.


Medicine Lake.



For some reason all photos had to include a yoga pose.


Pyramid Lake.



Maligne Lake.



On my last night we all went to the campfire at the hostel and made s’mores, how very Canadian.

Farewell Canada!


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